SOUTHWEST WARD MEETING SCHEDULED FOR THURSDAY DECEMBER 8 A ward meeting for the SouthWest Ward is scheduled for 6:30 pm Thursday, December 8th, at the old Senior Center at 621 Harris Street. The meeting will be hosted by Nacogdoches City Councilmember Chad Huckaby, representative of the Southwest Ward. All residents of the ward and the city are invited to attend. Topics that will be discussed include the city’s capital needs, the Capital Needs Advisory Committee, a possible upcoming bond election, public safety, the Burk St. speed study, possible closure of some West Loop 224 crossovers, outdoor burning and pedestrian safety. There will also be updates on the flyover project and the comprehensive plan as well as a time for questions and comments from residents.
Thursday Dec 8, 2022
6:30 PM - 7:30 PM CST
Thursday, Dec 8, 2022 at 6:30pm
Old Senior Center at 621 Harris Street
Chad Huckaby
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