Westminster Presbyterian Church continues a 27-year holiday tradition of hosting free musical concerts featuring world-class musicians. “Mid-Day Noels” organizer and Westminster Music Director Dalton calls the concert series a “Christmas Present” from Westminster to Nacogdoches. Admission is free and the performances will also be broadcast live on facebook.com/westpresnac. A SFA Jacks of Steel Quartet will perform Thurs., Dec. 9 at 12:15 p.m. under the direction of Dr. Jamie Vilseck. The SFA Steel Band is one of the most popular and requested ensembles in the School of Music. The group uses a full set of steel pans, including three leads, two double tenors, two cellos and bass pans as well as a large rhythm section with drumset, electric bass, and various Latin percussion. The group performs a wide variety of music including traditional Caribbean music, pop, rock and Latin. Vilseck is adjunct professor of percussion at SFA. He is also the Percussion Coordinator and Percussion Arranger for the Lumberjack Marching Band, instructs private lessons and teaches a percussion methods class. Vilseck is a member of the Percussive Arts Society (PAS) Health and Wellness Committee and a freelance performer. His research is based around percussion pedagogy, marching percussion, and health and wellness practices. Following the concert, lunches will be served in Westminster Hall for a suggested donation of $7 per person.
Thursday Dec 9, 2021
12:15 PM - 12:45 PM CST
12/9/21; 12:15 p.m.
Westminster Presbyterian Church, 903 North Street, Nacogdoches
Dr. Deborah Dalton
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