“Remember the Past, Celebrate the Present & Embrace the Future”
Come join as we celebrate our rich heritage with great food, festivities, and fun!!! Entries are being accepted for the Parade and Vendors
Saturday Jun 18, 2022
10:00 am Parade Line-up will begin at TJR Elementary **PARADE PARTICIPANTS ONLY** **PLEASE ENTER AT NORTH ST. & MIMS ST. FOR LINEUP** 11:00 am Parade through Downtown Nacogdoches 12:30 pm Juneteenth Festival @ Festival Plaza Park Downtown Come join as we celebrate our rich heritage with great food, festivities and fun!
For more information contact: Celena Garrett (cgarrett@tccainc.org)@936-615-2797 or Terrence Reeves (terrencereeves@hotmail.com)@936-371- 2144 or Adell Mills ( jeridell@yahoo.com )@936-462-8195 OR Queen Handy ( ddcqol@yahoo.com) Presented by: Progressive Leadership Group
Printed courtesy of www.nacogdoches.org – Contact the Nacogdoches County Chamber of Commerce for more information.
2516 North Street, Nacogdoches, TX 75965 – (936) 560-5533 – membership@nactx.com